1005 West Main Street, Danville, IN 46122
317.745.4284 [email protected]

Knights Scholarship (Due April 6, 2016)

January 30, 2018 @ 1:17 pm – 2:17 pm

Announcement of Scholarships at Mary, Queen of Peace and St. Susanna
As part of our mission to support the parish families, the Knights of Columbus Council
11896 is offering a $1,000 college scholarship for one student at St. Susanna and one
student at Mary, Queen of Peace (total two $1,000 scholarships). The scholarships are
for graduating high school senior candidates that will be attending a trade school or
2/4 yr college in the fall. The qualifications are outlined in applications that are
available in the entrance of the church or on the KOC website (http://
www.kofc11896.org). Interested students are to complete the application, attach a copy
of their high school transcript, and participate in a short interview in May. The winner
for each parish will be announced during a Mass in May. For questions, contact
information is available on the application.
Application and transcript are due by April 6th,2018