1005 West Main Street, Danville, IN 46122
317.745.4284 [email protected]

A Bullet Train through Western Music

December 15, 2015 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
St. Paul's Catholic Church

Featuring the St Ambrose Schola Cantorum from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.   What do Frank Sinatra, Beethoven and a major scale all have in common?  They all happened because of the Catholic Church!  The monks and musicians of the Catholic church created the foundations of Western music:  scales, harmony, notation.  Music as we know it today:  it’s a Catholic thing.

You are invited to  a narrated concert spanning 20 centuries of music.  You’ll hear music from the earliest Christians to music of the present day, as we go on a whirlwind tour of Western music.

Come at 7:00 pm for wine and cheese, coffee and cookies.  Then at 7:30 you can enjoy a experience of new sounds, of rich history and beautiful music.

The concert if free!  A freewill offering will be taken to raise money to repair our pipe organ.